Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Santa is gone?

Santa gave us a quick visit, which is pretty much 12/19 to 12/28 (early this morning on global ES basis). Not sure if Santa is totally gone or not. Personally I am not in trading mood this week. My scalping position was unloaded at the close of yesterday 12/27. My hourly ES chart actually thinks the top was in at 10:00 of 12/27 and calling this morning's high as bull trap.

Today's chart is another example of volatility, as we went from overbought to oversold in just couple hours this morning. The VIX is heading up. Is it usual? Well, I think it is not unusual recently. With a serious oversold condition and thin volume, this market has not much room to go down. My best guess is we are heading toward another bumpy trading range. We may see some higher highs, then collapse in new year. I don't believe 2012 is the end of human race, but it could be the end of some man-made so called civilization such as EURO or modern financial system.


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