Friday, January 25, 2013

AAPL got dumped

Yeah, not new to me. As I mentioned, I believe Jobs took the company with him. This apple is not what I like and want to invest in. Do you want to know how much money lost today? Only 62.5 Billion USD. How much is 62.5b? SP500 index is for large cap companies. BUT, 459 out of the 500 have less than 62.5 billion market cap. Bespoke posted a very interesting article today. In its calculation Apple lost 235 billion in market cap in total for the past 4 months.
There are only three stocks in the S&P 500 that have a market cap greater than what Apple has lost over the last four months (XOM, GOOG, BRK/a).  Pretty astounding.

The big 3 are Exxon Mobil (XOM) which is the largest oil company in the world, Google (GOOG) the largest search engine and tech company in the world, and BRK/a of Warren Buffet the richest guy in the US. Good job AAPL.

BTW, today GOOG booked some decent gain. Now it's market cap is 238 billions, and is now the 3rd largest company in SP 500. 

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