Friday, December 14, 2012

Gangnam Style - Certain Things to avoid

Here is news on Gangnam Style Dance.

There are certain things that middle-aged men should probably steer clear of: buying a flashy sports car, dating a barely-legal hottie, succumbing to the allure of hair-in-a-can.
However, this week, after the death of a British dad, experts now warn that dancing "Gangnam Style" may be yet another middle age no-no.
As the Sun notes, 46-year-old Eamonn Kilbride was performing the energetic dance -- made wildly famous by Korean pop star Psy -- at his office Christmas party over the weekend when he suddenly collapsed and died. 

 In order to prove I am not middle-aged yet, I think I should try the list above. I tried Gangnam style dance for about 2 minutes and I feel dizzy. After this news I decide to quit that crap, forever. Me no sporty-car type, but rather off-road kind. I don't want to change my style, at least for now. I am losing hair. Still better than my friend COB, but I don't think I want to do hair in a can. The only left-over is to date an illegal hottie. I am on my way to NYC. Let's see if I can do that. :D

The market is dancing in a way hard to predict. FED meeting is making it worse. I bot some options to protect my position and disclosed in last post. As planned I closed that hedge yesterday at sub-1420 level. Now we are all the same. Holding long positions, naked, and watching market falling. This is another I don't know moment. I guess and I hope 1407 will hold.
(Starting from now, I am using Mar 2013 ES, which is about 5 points below SPX.)

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