Thursday, November 29, 2012

ECRI the leading indicator

Do Economic Indicators Show U.S. in Recession?

On Nov. 29, 2012, ECRL co-founder and COO Lakshman Achuthan displays economic indicators he believes to show that the United States in currently in recession. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg Surveillance."

It is very self-explanatory. There are couple macro indicators discussed and showed here. Lakshman said recession started in July. Jobs is the only one not agreeing, the reason is contraction of labor force. He also mentioned in 3 of 7 the last recessions jobs increased into the recession.

When people asked other indicators, he said GDP is only quarterly, (which may not be up to date, and may be too slow to spot trend change) and stock market and risk assets give signals, but the signals are distorted here.

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