Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Still bullish on GOLD

Save money for college tuition? Ben Bernanke said his son, who is in medical school in New York, is likely to rack up $400,000 of student loan debt in the process of getting his degree. In the same meeting, Ron Paul also shot a silver bullet to the vampire. Ben said you can have silver but it's just not US currency.
The chart below explains how to save for college tuition. Ben should know that before sending his son to school.

We are not in Gold or precious metal standard. That's true. Ben keeps on lying about inflation (per Ron Paul). That one needs your own judgement. The chart says save tuition in Gold anyway.

Here is some more reading on Supply Demand and others from Morgan Stanley via Zero Hedge.

Stay Long Gold

I have to admit I am a fan of CNBC's Maria Bartiromo. When I was watching her, I found this. It is a must for all serious and prudent investor. Jim Grant is the editor of Grant's Interest Rate Observer.

Jim says the FED is manipulating the market to achieve desirable macro outcome. The FED is dulling the market sensors of risk in the entire marketplace, by pressing the interest rate. The FED should learn the lesson from 1920-21 depression. (and don't forget 1929 and 1930s right after.) Then comes the classic conversation:

Maria Bartiromo: "What are the alternatives?"
Jim Grant: "Capitalism is an alternative for what we have now. I highly recommend it."
Maria: "We all do."
Grant: "No we don't."
Maria: "The Federal Reserve may not."
Grant: "We ought to be discussing an intelligent move to a sound currency by which i mean a currency that is based on a standard and not at the whim and the discretion of a bunch of mandarins sitting around Washington D.C."

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