Monday, February 28, 2011

my baby NFLX (2)

As I mentioned earlier, I love NFLX. I cannot live without. :D
After I closed my long term position in late 2010, I am still trading it. My feeling is just one part. I am a pretty technical person. I only trade the signals.

Today, NFLX recorded a typical pattern to yell for a short. (Well, it's actually this morning that I missed.)

Not sure what pattern to call for. Island reversal? Bearish Flag? Whatever.
The bottom line is the gap will be touched if not fully filled.

We will do the same routine to define our trading plan.
The pattern will be off for any close above 217.5.
I believe it is trigered already today by a close below 211. The only thing is Bears are in such a hurry and Bulls are not that easy to give up. Hope we can get a retest to 210 level to fill my order.
See ya in the 180s.

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