Wednesday, August 28, 2013

settling down after a 9:1 day

So far I read a Double Bottom in at ES 1625 area.
So far this pull back from 1670 is unexpected but quite healthy. We did get a significant signal yesterday, a nice 9:1 down volume day. (A day when 90% of the volume on the market was negative). I have been waiting for that, in fact the lack of that signal was what convinced us that the low for this correction was not in yet last week.   I want a 2nd 9:1 day like in June to complete the selling.

 [Add chart when I get chance]

VIX also needs a rest. I am guessing a rebound is due with target at 1650 area.

  [Add chart when I get chance]

We have one more chance to reallocate and clear some unwanted positions. I will wait patiently for the next signal.

Here is another reading on the similar indicator.

90 percent down day

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