Thursday, June 20, 2013

6/20/2013 What a day!

what a bleeding day. I am looking at the chart below, trying to find what is not red today. Except US Dollar, I only find Orange Juice and Swiss Franc. What's next? Should I immigrate to Swiss or should I drink Orange Juice or should I do both.
If you are concerning about your 401K, there is really not too much you can do other than holding cash. Alternatively the next least damage choice is short term bonds. My friend Bruce is arguing there is not much return on ST bonds. I told him this morning, it is not time to look for return, but rather to protect capital.

I also hold some small FDA stocks. According to Nassim Taleb, it is anti-fragile. I am still looking for chances to add silver.

 I know I have the worst habit of keeping on adding things to my post. I know but...
I found Mish wrote a similar post

No Hiding Places

He searched not only the US, but worldwide. Other than USD and CHF, he found 2 more winners worldwide. 
It was a struggle but I found two more winners: Red wheat and Spring wheat.
If you trade these 2, which I have never heard of and could never tell the difference, you are the winner! Out of  close to 100 investment choices worldwide, that's the 4 places you can hide. Mish also made a very good statement that I like very much.
What I do know is fundamentals will eventually trump liquidity, and this could be the start of it.
Wipe the dumb@$$ out, then we will get a better market. oops, excuse me. I really mean too many people have been making money far too easily. The lazy shareholders that never sold and didn’t use stops got destroyed. Apple? The guy laughed at me when I said sell back in last Sept has only 1.1m under management now. Same goes with market participants who aren’t disciplined these days in taking losses when their wrong. The gold bugs are a great recent example of that. Discipline!!! It’s not easy, but it’s necessary. zerohedge very kindly checked the exchange rules for us. The market-wide circuit breaker will be triggered at 7. No worry for today. Good My friend Corey talked about bull-trap. When you kill bulls, you trap them first.
He also listed couple good examples you should know about.
Hanna said this is the worst day in Breadth since summer 2011. I interpret it as the good time since last year is gone. (well you need to do your own)

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