Monday, April 15, 2013

Metal crash

It's a bad day for metals and all other commodities. In my previous chart I said if gold breaks 1534, I don't know where it can go. Actually there is another level on the chart, 1337. At that time I don't think it is feasible. 

Well, anyway, for those who followed me to exit Gold in March, congrats. For those still holding gold, I think there will be chance to average down. YES, average down. I usually never do that, but for Gold, I can make exceptions.

Here are some links to read:

What Happened The Last Time We Saw Gold Drop Like This?

Gold, Silver Hammered; End of the Precious Metals Bull Market? What's Next?

 Special thanks to Zero Hedge for putting all things together.

Why Is Gold Crashing?

Me is always in conspiracy theory. Read the last line of the last link.

As Congressman Grayson pointed out in a recent letter, right after the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee leaked valuable inside information to big banks, Goldman told its clients:
We recommend initiating a short COMEX gold position ….

4/10 spike is just so artificial. Is it inside trading? I'm really eager to find out.
Here is another article from BP.

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