Monday, October 22, 2012

Market Reading 10/22/2012

Did I say I m going to make a new post? Me getting lazy recently. As I mentioned in my intraday charts, I see somebody defending the 1416 low.

If you study the volume profile on the right and the better volume on the bottom, you will see lots of buying climax up.

So far I read the tape as retest then regain support at ES 1416. On SPX it is slightly different, because last 1416 was after regular trading hour. On that day, SPX low was at 1425 then closed at 1428. Today we touched 1420 then rebound to 1433. I don’t know how to interpret the difference. I tend to ignore SPX which is the cash index, but follow ES which is the SPX futures traded clock around.

It is an Adam-Adam double bottom pattern. I expect a rally in the next couple days. My plan is to trade to the trend line. I add longs when I cut the chart above.

How high can SPX go? According to Bulkowski’s book, calculated target is around 1490ish. My own measurement is 1470s. The reason is the last spike is too big, unreasonably big. Can it go higher? Can it take out the 1475 peak? Yes maybe. In this dumb bull market, anything could happen. I still feel we are close to the end of the dumb rally from 2009. End of 2012 will be messy even if it is not the end of the world. :D

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